We can not experience The Blessed Life until we embrace mercy | The Blessed Life - Part 05

The Blessed Life

Summary In this part of The Blessed Life teaching series, Pastor Zach Jarrach explores the concept of mercy and its significance in the Christian life. He reminds us of the need to fully embrace mercy and acknowledge our undeserving nature. Pastor Zach highlights the distinction between mercy and grace, explaining that mercy is God withholding what we deserve, while grace is God giving us what we don't deserve. He emphasizes that embracing mercy is essential to experiencing the blessed life and encourages listeners to share mercy with others. The purpose of mercy is to bridge the gap between our brokenness and God's love. Takeaways - Embracing mercy is acknowledging our undeserving nature and accepting God's forgiveness. - Mercy and grace are distinct concepts: mercy is God withholding what we deserve, while grace is God giving us what we don't deserve. - Sharing mercy with others is a natural outflow of embracing God's mercy.